Plagron - Royal Mix 50L



The blend of blends! A heavily fertilised, yet light and well aerated, soil mix. Royalty Mix contains enough nutrition for the entire growth cycle. Transplant into Royalty Mix after 2-3 weeks and only add water when feeding.

Plagron Royalty-mix is a mix of the finest, carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibre and perlite which results in a lightness and oxygen level you have come to expect only of Plagron quality potting soil. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm compost ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention.

Plagron Royalty-mix contains a carefully selected combination of organic fertilizers which meet all the plant’s nutritional requirements throughout the complete cycle. These Plagron fertilizers are unique because they are only released exactly when the plant needs them.

Plagron Royalty-mix is Plagron’s premium product. Attention! Water well, allowing the water to seep through, before use. Do not add any fertilizer for the first 6 weeks.

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